One thing that worries owners is the complexity of insurance, and the many options out there. This does result in owners being put off taking out insurance as they don’t fully understand the cover. We can’t blame you! There are three main insurance options available: Lifetime Lifetime policies simply mean that your cat is covered… Read more »
One thing that worries owners is the complexity of insurance, and the many options out there. This does result in owners being put off taking out insurance as they don’t fully understand the cover. We can’t blame you!
There are three main insurance options available:
Lifetime policies simply mean that your cat is covered for life.
A lifetime policy that is taken out when your kitten/cat has no pre existing conditions means that at any point throughout the cat’s life, if they are injured or diagnosed with a condition that requires treatment for the rest of their life, it will be covered. This includes long term tests and medication. There will be a limit per year, but more often than not it is way above what is needed. For example, we recommend Agria and their cover per year is up to £12,500.
Time Limited
Time limited policies do what they say – there is a time limit to the cover.
These policies often have cover in place from 12 months from the date of the first sign or symptom of illness. For example, if you take your cat to vets on 1st December, you will be covered for treatment for the condition until 30th November. After this date, you will not be covered for that illness, or any illness related to it by your current provider, or any new provider.
Money Limited
Similar to a time limited policy, money limited do what they say – there is a monetary limit to the cover.
These policies have a fixed amount of cover per condition from the date of the first sign or symptom of illness. For example, you may have £2,500 worth of cover. A long term condition such as hyperthyroidism can cost upwards from £5,000 for treatment for the remainder of a cat’s life which means you would have to fund additional treatment costs. After this amount has been used, you will not be covered for that illness, or any illness related to it by your current provider, or any new provider.
If you are unsure on the best policy for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us for some tips.