How To Spot The Signs And Help Your Stressed Cat

Are you worried about the way your cat has been acting recently? If they have been displaying some unusual behaviours then then it is possible that you have a stressed cat. They most important thing is to spot the signs and set them on the road to recovery.
What are the behavioural stress signs to look out for
- Urinating (e.g. spraying) or defecating inappropriately
- Acting aggressively towards you or other pets
- Over grooming
If your cat is displaying any of the above behaviours it is likely that they are feeling uneasy and stressed in their environment.
In some cases behavioural problems can be straightforward and only require minimal changes to the environment to resolve the problem. Sadly, in many cases behavioural problems are complicated and the issues noted by the owner are the result of the escalation of longstanding stress. Improving the wellbeing of the cat will require commitment from the owner to ensure a smooth transition to a stress-free environment.
Good news, we can help!
Our veterinary surgeon, Amanda Nicholls BVetMed MRCVS has completed a European recognised Diploma in Managing Stress in Cats. Amanda is happy to take on all feline behaviour cases either as a referral from other practices, or if you are an owner looking for behaviour advice you can contact us to discuss this service further with a member of our team.