For us, coming to work is simply about caring for our patients and their owners each day, it’s no more complicated than that. At Cat’s Whiskers, we pride ourselves on five star service each time you come into our clinic. The Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘Premium’ is: of exceptional quality or greater value than others… Read more »
For us, coming to work is simply about caring for our patients and their owners each day, it’s no more complicated than that. At Cat’s Whiskers, we pride ourselves on five star service each time you come into our clinic.
The Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘Premium’ is:
of exceptional quality or greater value than others of its kind
The phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ is used regularly, but rarely in the veterinary industry. It’s unlikely you would choose to board a 20 hour flight with budget airline RyanAir, but without realising, many people would do the equivalent for their pets.
As a client there are so any options available to us so it’s no wonder people are often attracted by price, convenience or cute repetitive adverts. Although this may be useful in the beginning, long term this can have a negative effect on you financially and for emotionally for your cat.
Cat’s Whiskers Veterinary Clinic is a cat only clinic, designed to deliver premium care and service. To do this, there are a few things we do differently to a standard vet practice:
- We invite you into the clinic to meet us before bringing your cat in so you can have a look behind the scenes and find out more about us, our services, and how we can help
- Your appointments are a minimum of 20 minutes with a dedicated feline specialist at each visit
- We help you keep your cat/s happy and healthy for as long as possible by offering you cost effective monthly payments
- We’ll aim to prevent illness where possible with regular checks tailored to your cat’s age
- We get to know you – you’re not just a number in our books