Cheeky, playful and inquisitive yet loving and friendly – some may say with the Abyssinian you get the best of both worlds. They love to play, and also love snuggling up on a warm lap – and you can guarantee that as you potter about the house, there will be an Aby-shaped shadow behind you… Read more »
Cheeky, playful and inquisitive yet loving and friendly – some may say with the Abyssinian you get the best of both worlds. They love to play, and also love snuggling up on a warm lap – and you can guarantee that as you potter about the house, there will be an Aby-shaped shadow behind you to make sure they don’t miss out!
The facts
- Temperament: home loving, intelligent, loyal and playful into adulthood.
- Social/Attention Needs: high
- Average Life Span: 12-15 years
- Coat length: Short
- Grooming required: Regular brushing to encourage removal of loose hair
The Look
Often referred to as the Lynx or Puma of the cat world, the Abyssinian cat comes in a wide variety of colours including sorrel, blue, chocolate, lilac, fawn and silver. They also have expressive, almond-shaped eyes are either amber, green or hazel and their soft coats are fine and soft against their muscular bodies, making them a very striking breed of cat.
Unfortunately, they are no records to state where Abyssinians originated from. However, myths claim these cats are the descendants of ancient cats worshipped in temples and palaces in ancient Egypt over 4,000 years ago. Others believe that the Aby is a descendant of the African Wild Cat. However, genetic evidence claims these cats came from the Indian Ocean coastal regions and that British soldiers may have bought these cats from ports in India. Although the exact origins of this breed is unknown, they have been in the UK for well over 100 years and were documented in the first Standard of Points published by Harrison Weir in 1889, and by Frances Simpson in ‘The Book of the Cat’, published in 1903. This makes the Abyssinian one of the earliest breeds of pedigree cats.
All have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic. Problems that may affect the Abyssinian include the following:
- Hyperesthesia: This is a neurological disorder that causes cats to excessively groom themselves, leading to hair loss.
- Patellar Luxation
- Periodontal disease
Fun Fact
In 1978, Walt Disney productions produced a movie called ‘The Cat from Outer Space’, the star of the movie was an extra-terrestrial Abyssinian cat called Jake whose spaceship crash landed on Earth.