The UK is known for being a nation of animal lovers and so it is not surprising that a 2015 Pet Population Report estimated almost half of UK households own a pet giving a total of approximately 58 million pets. I feel that owning a pet (or in my case plural) will enable my son… Read more »
The UK is known for being a nation of animal lovers and so it is not surprising that a 2015 Pet Population Report estimated almost half of UK households own a pet giving a total of approximately 58 million pets.
I feel that owning a pet (or in my case plural) will enable my son to grow up having learnt a whole variety of skills which he can hopefully translate to other areas of his life. I see a pet bringing behaviour improvements, emotional benefits and most importantly health advantages. I recently stumbled across a report resulting from a survey and studies run in 2015 which confirms my beliefs.
Children are being given the opportunity to care for pets on a daily basis. At this young age they are taught what a responsibility it is and so understand what work and commitment is involved in owning a pet. Their relationships towards others should improve as they learn about compassion which could also help reduce self focus. Pets can become a comfort tool where children find they can open up if they are upset as their pets won’t laugh at them or tease them. Pets also provide a great way to get our children learning about nature, getting fresh air and exercise can work wonders for a child’s night sleep ( I can vouch for this first hand!)
So owning a pet has surely got to mean a happy, healthier family? It is important to remember that an adult should always be supervising our children when they are around their pets and we must also communicate and teach our children the following 5 welfare needs:
- We Must Provide : A safe and suitable place for them to live
- A proper diet including fresh water
- The ability to express normal behaviours
- Suitable Housing
- Protect from pain, suffering, injury and disease
It is also important if we are thinking about obtaining a pet we get the right type of pet for our family lifestyle. Source it from a reliable place i.e. animal charity/re-homing centre/RESPONSIBLE breeder and avoid buying through newspapers and online ads.
If you would like any advice on introducing a cat to a family home, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01903 830577.