This week we thought we would focus on the more mature of our feline friends…the senior cats in the world. Like all living creatures, cats can face different challenges as they grow older. Their bones and muscles weaken and a less resilient immune system can mean they are more prone to certain illness’. In the… Read more »
This week we thought we would focus on the more mature of our feline friends…the senior cats in the world.
Like all living creatures, cats can face different challenges as they grow older. Their bones and muscles weaken and a less resilient immune system can mean they are more prone to certain illness’.
In the past few years however medicine has dramatically improved and health care for cat’s has also become more acknowledged, meaning cats life spans are far longer than they used to be.
At Cats Whiskers we provide a Senior Cat Pet Health Plan and with this plan your senior cat will be able to have an annual health check each year, where they will be tested for any changes in their health. If something pops up, it gives us plenty of time to get the appropriate care in place, meaning your cat has a longer and happier life!
Although we can’t imagine anyone wouldn’t want to adopt any cats, regardless of their age, it is quite common for older cats to be left in adoption centres without anyone interested in taking them home.
Some people may not adopt an older cat as they feel they won’t have as long with them, or they aren’t as exciting as a kitten but adopting an older cat can be just as fulfilling as adopting a younger cat!
With an older cat you need not worry about teaching them all about the big wide world, they’ve seen it all already! They will just be thrilled to have a nice, warm, new home to go to, particularly if they have spent a long time waiting to be adopted!
Older cats are also excellent companions for senior citizens! They’ll be a very calming prescience in someone’s home!
If you are interested in adopting an older cat we’d strongly recommend doing a bit of research into your local cat rescue centres. Ask lots of questions and be sure this is the right decision for you!
Adopting any animal is a big responsibility and older cats may need a bit of extra care than those that are younger!
Make sure you find a vet that is suitable and will take your new friends age into consideration at routine health checks.
And finally to end on…did you know that the oldest cat recorded lived until she was 38 years old?
Her name was Creme Puff and she was born on August 3rd 1967 and died on August 6th 2005!