Hello everybody, my name is Monty Choco, Monty because I am an “Aristocat” and Choco, because it looks as though I have been in the chocolate ice cream pot.
Monty is so cute, he even has his own website page:
Here is a snapshot:
“Hello everybody, my name is Monty Choco, Monty because I am an “Aristocat” and Choco, because it looks as though I have been in the chocolate ice cream pot. you see I have chocolate coloured ears, tail face and feet, and I have big blue eyes in fact I look like cat a called ‘Siamese’, but my Mum was black and they say my Dad was a big cream coloured tom cat, but we are not really sure.
I am now about eleven weeks old, and I now live in a big Bungalow. At present I have a fence around my cats box so that I feel safe, you see I haven’t ventured very far yet as I am still a bit scared of all the new things around me, we didn’t have anything like this in the big barn where I was born.
I have already been to see the Vet, I even had to have an injection but I was brave. The Vet Amanda says I am cute!
She was very kind, and really understands cats that id why other pets are not allowed in her clinic. I like that because there are no big dogs to frighten me.”